EN Conferinţa de lansare a proiectului „Stoparea extinderii speciilor invazive de plante în Parcul Natural Lunca Mureşului – SESIL”
EN Misiune economică R.P. China, întâlniri la Amabasada României și EEN Beijing
2.10.2016Interactive toolkit for improving basic and key adult skills
The project is aimed at low-skilled adults. These groups of adults can be considered as not being well assisted in many areas of life just because, in order to fully participate in today’s world, it is necessary to be able to use and understand the information that is provided through the Internet. The lack of sufficient digital skills seriously limits the possibilities, in general, and the possibilities to learn, in particular. Deficiencies in core and key competences could be eliminated if appropriate methods and tools are used, but the problem is that unskilled adults cannot benefit from more existing non-formal tools for developing their skills because they do not even know about their existence. or they are unable to find or use them. Therefore, the Project addresses people with reduced skills and gives them tools (along with clear instructions on how to use them), and that will help them find other tools and learn about them and through them.